Latest Pluralsight Course is Now Live!


Really pleased to announce that my latest Pluralsight course on Azure Hybrid Connections is now live!  This has consumed no insignificant amount of time and effort lately – which goes a long way to explaining the infrequency of my blogging lately.

This is only a short “first look” course, although it took me several weeks to complete it due to work commitments and a virus that stole my voice for awhile. There are two reasons for the short course:

  • Since this is still a “preview” feature in Azure, a short introductory course seemed prudent;
  • Turns out that in 1 hour 48 minutes I was able to cover pretty much everything you need to know about Hybrid Connections anyway!

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Busy Days!

If you’re wondering why my blogging frequency has dropped off over the last couple of months, it’s because I’ve been busy with some other projects. Here are just a few of them:

Brisbane Azure Bootcamp

BAB2015_Dan_OrientationAlthough originally intended to be the Brisbane chapter of the Global Azure Bootcamp, we had to change the date to a week later since the global event coincided with ANZAC Day in Australia. This year marking the 100th anniversary of the event at Gallipoli, it seemed irreverent (and also impractical) to hold the event on that day. So we joined Perth in organising our own version of the all-day event. Alessandro Cardoso from Readify and myself were the main organisers, while Damien Berry set up the event website.


BAB2015_Dan_HCWhat a success! With over 50 registrations, we had a full house at Microsoft headquarters, with the event stretching from 8:30am to 5:30pm. Presenters included Readify’s Alessandro Cardoso and Andrew Harcourt, myself on Hybrid Connections, and Microsoft’s Steve van Bodegraven with a session on Azure ML and lean start-ups.

Lots of prizes were given out thanks to sponsors Mexia, Pluralsight, and the Global Azure Bootcamp. Also a big thanks to Readify for funding the catering.

Brisbane Azure User Group

For the next Brisbane Azure User Group event, I’ll be presenting with Mexia’s Lee Simpson on Logic Apps – so preparation for that is keeping me occupied as well.


And if that was not enough, I’m also authoring my second Pluralsight course. While I’m not allowed to say too much about the content until it’s published, I can reveal that it is based on an exciting Azure technology directly related to hybrid integration. Only one more module to go! Expect an announcement in a few weeks. 🙂

Of course there are other things stealing my time (and sleep) away as well, including heavier than usual workloads at our current client and preparation for a looming deadline for lodging my income tax return. But I hope to be back to more regular blogging next month! There are plenty of exciting things to write about…

First Pluralsight Course Published!

PluralsightIn case anyone is wondering why I’ve been out of the blogging and social media scene for the past few months, it’s because I’ve had my head down trying to complete the authoring of my first Pluralsight course!

Well, I’m pleased to say that the course is now live!! It’s been a long journey and resulted in three scope changes, but is finally published. Also feel very privileged to have joined the ranks of the Pluralsight author team, comprised of so many exceptional people whose wisdom I’ve been following throughout my career.

The course is entitled Using Functoids in BizTalk Server 2013, and it features a deep-dive exploration of the eighty built-in functoids within the BizTalk Mapper toolbox, as well a brief look at creating custom functoids and hosting custom XSLT files. Despite the title, it is equally relevant to BizTalk Server 2010 users as the Mapper has not changed much between those two versions. (Come to think of it, the functoids themselves haven’t changed all that much since BTS 2006, even though the user interface was overhauled to great improvement in 2010.)

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